Choosing contact lenses. 

What happens during a contact lens fitting appointment?

The contact lens fitting appointment is a crucial first step in obtaining and using contact lenses safely and comfortably.

The appointment will include the following assessments:

  • Eye exam: Before fitting you with contact lenses, we will perform a comprehensive eye examination to assess your overall eye health. This includes checking for any underlying eye conditions, measuring your visual acuity, and determining your prescription.

  • Discussion of lifestyle and preferences: We will discuss your lifestyle and preferences to better understand your needs. Factors such as your daily activities, and any specific visual requirements (e.g. extensive computer working/screen time) will be taken into consideration.

  • Measurement of eye surface: The curvature and size of your cornea (the clear front part of the eye) will be measured. We use the unsurpassed Zeiss iProfiler for this - it gives us an accurate 3D measure of the front of eye shape. This is crucial in determining the appropriate size and curvature of contact lenses for your eyes. (It is even more important in for keratoconus patients.)

  • Tear film evaluation: The quality and quantity of your tear film will be assessed. Adequate tear production is essential for comfortable lens wear, and we will need to ensure that your eyes are capable of wearing contact lenses comfortably.

Based on our assessments, we will move on to the next stage of the appointment:

Contact lens selection: Based on the gathered information, we will be able to recommend a specific type of contact lens that suits your eyes, prescription, and lifestyle. There are various types of lenses, including daily, bi-weekly, or monthly disposables, as well as different materials (soft, rigid gas permeable, etc.).

Initial lens fitting: We will give you a trial pair of contact lenses to try on (these are sometimes custom made). We will then need to observe the fit and movement of the lenses on your eye, and may make adjustments or try different lenses to ensure the best fit.

Training and education: If you are new to contact lenses, we will give you detailed instructions on how to insert, remove, and care for your lenses. We will also explain how to ensure proper hygiene and lens storage, and the importance of following the prescribed wearing schedule.

You may be interested to watch this lens insertion and removal video.

Follow-Up Appointments.

After the initial fitting of contact lenses, you will likely have follow-up appointments to assess how well you are adapting to the lenses and to make any necessary adjustments.

Remember, it's crucial to follow the advice of eye care professionalS and attend regular check-ups to ensure the continued health and comfort of your eyes when using contact lenses.